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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pee Loon (Once Upon a Time in Mumbai) - Cover by Gautam Krishnan

Here is my son Gautam Krishnan, who is now 14, coming with another song in his voice.. His annual exams of the 9th standard just got over...I caught him and made him sit to record...:)

This is a very nice song from the movie "Once Upon a Time in Mumbai". Composed by Pritam, this song was originally sung by Mohit Chauhan...Please listen to this attempt of Gautam and leave a feedback which will help him to improve...

View the feedback on this song at MUZIBOO


Unknown said...

Hi Krishnan Marvellous Your
son has proved he is your son
very good voice like you and I
enjoyed the song.He must continue singing God bless him
Thank you

nvk said...

Hi Gautam,

Very good song from you, please keep it up.........

N V Krishnan said...

Brinda and nvk...

Thanks for the appreciation..Glad that you liked his effort..Gautam has also asked me to convey thanks to you..